Bubble Gum



Dear readers: Here’s a fun and silly piece of creative writing I wanted to share! I hope this can bring a smile to your face in these difficult times. Enjoy!

Do you have problems socializing with others? Do you have problems talking with people of the opposite gender? Then you, my friend, are one of many victims of bad breath. Please don’t feel bad, you are not alone in this terrible fight. Studies suggest that 96% of all living forms experience bad breath daily, and these individuals may experience, among other things, rashes, headaches, public embarrassment, loss of significant other, or death. Lucky for you, I have the product that can and will cure your problems.

Allow me to introduce the Xtreme Bad Radberry Bubble Gum. It is the number 1 recommended product by gum scientists and is 100% sure to cure your mouth of any foul taste. After continuous use for just 3 days, all symptoms of bad breath, including the possibility of death, will cease completely. Humanity itself, if we work together to chew this gum daily, can advance as a civilization at a speed never before thought possible.

There is, however, just a small side effect I should warn you about; chewing just one piece of gum will result in a permanent addiction to bubble tea. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on your perspective. On one hand, it could result in huge economic development in the bubble tea industry. Not only will you cure yourself of your horrible bad breath, but you will also provide jobs for millions of families. On the other hand, there is a small chance that you will become obese and be prone to many cancers.

So, what is the price tag on the world-changing piece of gum? Well, a single piece will cost you $999.99. It may seem a little steep for just 30 grams of gum, but remember, it can solve many of your personal problems and even help countless families who have lost their jobs. If you are suffering from any problems in your life—I mean any—the root cause is always bad breath. Therefore, the Xtreme Bad Radberry Bubble Gum is the product for you. They are now purchasable online on our website www.xtremebadradberrybubblegum.org. Join the millions and stand together to say, “goodbye to bad breath!”


P.S. The website doesn’t exist. And Xtreme Bad Radberry Bubble Gum doesn’t exist as well.

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