Brian Griffin back from the dead


Warning: Massive spoilers ahead.

Could this really be true? Is Seth MacFarlane going to be spared from a slow and painful lashing after all?

Well, for all you Family Guy fans out there, you may be pleased to hear that … BRIAN GRIFFIN IS ALIVE!!!!!!

Last month, in the episode “Life of Brian,” Brian Griffin was involved in a gruesome hit and run, and died shortly after. This, of course, spawned reverberations of outrage among long-time viewers.

“Christmas Guy,” which just aired on Dec 15, proved that miracles, with the aid of some time travel, really do happen. Being the considerate friend that he is, Stewie travelled back in time to the exact moment before Brian’s fatal accident, and managed to push Brian out of the way before he could get hit by the car.

According to Seth MacFarlane himself, the purpose of Brian’s death and subsequent resurrection was to fans a lesson: “Never take those you love for granted, for they can be gone in a flash.” Wise words, Mr. MacFarlane.