Boys + Makeup = Best


Stop judging boys negatively for wearing makeup.

Makeup is a great tool for self expression and self confidence.  With social media, and the fast paced nature of modern life, we often long for self expression.  Although living in a more connected world can be empowering, it can also make you feel small and insignificant.  Exploring the idea of makeup can be one way to help with this issue.  Makeup is an easy tool for self expression, often conveying emotions through colours or patterns.  A lot of the time, the simple act of self expression alone has a positive impact on one’s self confidence.  Makeup is one surefire solution to self expression.  Unfortunately, exploring makeup is the last thing that comes to mind for many guys and it is not their fault.

Makeup can be a powerful tool.  However, it is often viewed as a “girl thing” and shouldn’t be touched by guys. Although this way of thinking is understandable (based on the dominance of female consumers in the makeup industry), the results can be very hurtful.  By locking away a tool for self expression based solely on an immutable quality like gender, issues like lack of self-confidence are only magnified.  In this modern world where we are so overloaded with information and connections that we can often feel insignificant; the longing for self expression is very natural.  Makeup is just one small change in the world what we have to cope with.  So let’s not make it harder on ourselves.

Besides, guys who wear makeup are beautiful.

Sources: Featured Image