Could Botox be more than just a cosmetic treatment?


Recently I heard about the different benefits of Botox, other than the well known use of reducing the signs of aging. Botox first began being used in the ’70s to treat people who were cross eyed, also known as strabismus, and then in 2002 it became very popular with middle-aged women as a cosmetic treatment to reduce signs of aging such as frown lines and wrinkles on the face. Botox is not only good as a cosmetic procedure though, it also reduces muscle pain, tension and spasms. Botox works in the muscles by blocking impulses from the nervous system which then allows the muscles to relax. This helps to reduce muscles spasms in ones neck, face, or eyes. The use of Botox to relax muscles was further proven during a clinical trial for the use of Botox to reduce wrinkles. Some patients who suffered from chronic migraines reported that after getting to Botox injections into their face, they have not gotten migraines. It reduces migraines through removing muscle tension. Botox is injected into locations that the patients are feeling pain, which is commonly in ones forehead, neck, and shoulders.

Some of the main benefits of Botox are:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic cold hands
  • Voice therapy
  • Excessive sweating
  • Migrane headaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Wrinkle removal