Bookie Review: Flipped


Okay, so you’re probably wondering, what on the earth is a “bookie?” Well to save space, my post will be a review on the book and movie, Flipped. The book was written by Wendelin Van Draanen and judging from this book, she’s a wonderful writer! The book focuses on two characters (who switch perspectives in the book and movie), Juli Baker and Bryce Loski. One day, the Loski’s moved into a house beside the Baker’s and the reader and viewer are immediately hit with Juli’s enthusiasm. Basically, she becomes obsessed with Bryce and like all young boys, they think girls have cooties.

Flipped book cover

The story does a wonderful transition between the boy’s perspective and the girl’s. I first watched the movie (I don’t know about you, but I rather watch something then read the more detailed book rather than read a book and criticize the movie) and was mesmerized! The actors were great, the set was simple but attractive and the costume designs felt genuine. The movie sets the story in the early 1960s compared to the book’s 21st century time era, but it seemed more appropriate and the story totally blended in with the old time era. I don’t know what it’s about, but old-school setting just make me feel at home. Maybe it’s because I’m tired of all the weird drama that happens on TV (I’m looking at you, Gossip Girl!)

Flipped movie cover

Like all movies-based-off-books, details were missed out on. For one thing, Bryce’s hair is black in the book. The portrayal of Bryce in the movie was blond! Granted he did look dreamy (and not in a creepy Justin Bieber lovin’ way) and I couldn’t imagine anyone else acting as him (Callan McAuliffe also stars in the upcoming film, I Am Number Four), but it was still odd in the change of hair color. Why not brown? That’s closer to black than blond is! Anyway, I don’t want to spoil the story but some conversations were missed and even though the movie had a voice over of the characters’ thoughts and feelings, they skipped some crucial words! Seriously, I thought the movie did a really great job following the book. Plus it’s a pretty short book so if you’re looking for a light read, then it’s a perfect kind of book!

I don’t know if you’re the type of person who hates movies based off books, but I don’t mind at all. There is definitely the reader’s audience you have to please, but I’m more of a movie person and as a viewer, Flipped was a great stand-alone movie. Though to be honest, I only watched it because I had heard of the book (plus it was lying in my room). I don’t regret watching the film nor buying the book. I guarantee you’ll like it, unless you hate eighth-grade romance issues portrayed in a unique and funny way. Frankly I’m tired of vampires and hard-core action stuff–I was really happy to take a break from that to experience the joy of a good book.

Flipped was simple enough to understand (no unnecessary metaphors, adjectives or words added to extend page length), interesting enough to keep watching/reading, and was a good break from all that complicated made-up fantasy world stuff. Seriously, go pick it up and read/watch it! It’s not a typical kind of story 🙂 Plus there’s a twist, and you’ll realize why the book is called Flipped.