Blood Types and Your Love 1


Did you know that your blood type shows what your marital harmony will be? This is one of the famous superstitions in Korea.

If your blood type is A,

If your lover or love’s blood type is A, your index of love is 70%

You investigate each other’s frame of mind. However, once you fall in love, no one can dissuade the romance.

If your lover or love’s blood type is B, your index of love is 20~25%

Since A blood type people are typically wicked, if you are a woman, B  guys would be hard to handle. So guys! Careful not to wound their sensitive mind! If you are a man, you should lead your lover.

If your lover or love’s blood type is AB, an index of love is 65%

If you are a woman, they show the platonic love than any other couples with wholesome ideas! If you are a man, AB girls are ice princesses! However they have beautiful mind as well. Guys who have A blood type, don’t give up!

If your lover or love’s blood type is O, an index of love is 95%

You could fall in love at their first meeting! Him to her or her to him, they are the ideal person they always expected to meet! They love with best effort each other so they seen as the best couple to others! Hot types O and calm A is the best balance!

* This is only the superstition to which there is no scientific evidence*

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