Blogger of the Month January 2015: Zoey Liu


With the New Year comes a new blogger of the month, congratulations to Zoey Liu for becoming the first blogger of the month in 2015! Zoey is a talented and diligent blogger, you’ve probably read some of her DIY blogs in regards to making your own candy cane, Melted Snowman Cookies, or even Stand Out Halloween Costumes. Zoey’s contributions to Youth Are Awesome are valued and loved by not only all of the readers but also her fellow bloggers. Her blogs are not only helpful and innovative but also informational and an enjoyable read! Introducing Zoey Liu:

blogger of the month

I have had the privileged opportunity of being able to interview Zoey Liu and get to know a little bit more about her, now it is your turn!

Q: Why did you want to start writing for Youth Are Awesome?

 A: “I wanted to write for YAA because I love to read blogs about all sorts of crazy and mind-blowing stuff on YAA, and I thought that it would be really cool for me to share some more interesting things. Also, I felt that I wanted to be a part of YAA because I believe that it is the perfect platform for youths in Calgary to express their opinions and interests in a safe and judgment-free environment.”

Q:What inspires you?

 A: “I truly believe that everyone around me inspires me on a daily basis. Without my family and my friends, I would not be the same person I am today. In addition to my human inspirations, I sometimes become inspired by motivational quotes or DIY ideas on Twitter, as they speak to the crafty component deep within me. Never-the-less, I also feel very connected to food because I find that good food can also calm me down, and that feeling inspires me to share the recipe with the rest of the world.”

Q: How would you describe yourself?

A: “Personally, I see myself as an extremely boring person who loves to stay at home and watch Netflix in my bed. Been very passive, I still enjoy going to the movies or the mall with friends and have long conversations with them.”

Q: How do you hope to inspire people through the Youth of YYC series?

A: “I hope to inspire people by showing them how much youth can achieve in society. It is evident that even though each individual’s achievement is unique, they have all made a positive impact on society which they should be proud for. Through these youth, I believe other members of society may recognize their own achievement or their potential to achieve.”

Q: Which one of your blog posts are you most proud of and why?

 A: “The blog post I am most proud of was the “My Day at the University of Alberta Open House”. To me, I felt that was the post which I had the most connection to since it was a story that was completely based on my experience. With the least number of pictures, I still believe the content of that post was the most interesting out of all my blogs.”