Blend Away!


Ever got fed up with someone constantly talking and bragging about their golf swing, their new iPhone or their newest toy? Maybe even to the extent of thinking to …blending them?

Okay you can’t go and take someones belonging and turn it to pulp but you can see objects like a golf club and an iPhone being blended on willitblend. This is a really cool website where you can see many objects from iPads to marbles being tested in the blender! One of the most recent objects put to the wrath of the blender is the iPhone 4!

Warning: If you worship the iPhone 4 or any apple products you may not want to go further and view this video.
[youtube fLreo24WYeQ ]

As a child I’ve always found watching the banana being blended in a smoothie entertaining so naturally I would love this. This website blends curiosity and hours of entertainment together so if you have time go check it out!

Happy viewing 🙂