Where did Black Friday get its name from?


The year’s busiest shopping day has just come to an end, and it seems as if this weekend was packed with great deals, busy malls and excited customers looking to grab some great deals ahead of the holiday season. It seems as Black Friday has become a synonymous term with North American Shopping culture. However, Black Friday wasn’t always a term in the lingo arsenal of excited customers looking to pick up some deals following American Thanksgiving. Here is how Black Friday got its name… 

Image result for black friday 1990s

So in order to understand the reason behind Black Friday’s elusive name you need to understand the economics behind it. From an economics perspective being in “the black” means a business is turning a profit whereas being in “the red” means a business is losing profit or is accumulating debt. Inc. noted that in 2017 over “164 million Americans” planned to shop during Black Friday and that it was one of “the busiest shopping days of the year.” This means that Black Friday is an incredibly lucrative shopping period, thus helping companies turn their reports from red to black, hence the name Black Friday. So next year when you head out for the busiest shopping day of the year take a second to recognize where the name associated with all that craze originated from.



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