Binge-Worthy TV Series to Help End Exam Blues


Exam break is ending soon, so as our time of freedom (and laziness) quickly disappears and a new semester begins, it’s important to begin catching up on amazing TV shows we might not have time for later.

To help you catch up on some amazing series that you may not have heard of, or ignored temporarily because of school, I made a list of my personal favourites. (Many of these were binge-watched so it is possible to finish a couple seasons in a couple days.)

The Fosters

The Fosters is definitely one of my favourite TV shows. Essentially, this show is about a family of foster kids under the care of a lesbian couple. The director/producer is absolutely incredible, shedding light on important issues such as police corruption and the difficult conditions endured by foster kids. It is, at times, much heavier of a show because it attempts to portray reality very closely. However, it is a very eye-opening series and extremely enjoyable.

White Collar

White Collar is my favourite crime/law show, and fortunately (but sadly), the show has ended so you can watch at your own pace. The main character, Neal Caffrey, is a felon but because of his ability to think like a criminal, he aids the FBI in solving cases. White Collar is extremely funny and non-exhaustive as it’s entertaining and essentially non-educational.

The Mindy Project

I recently started, and caught up with, The Mindy Project. This series is so funny, similar to Parks and Recreation or New Girl. Mindy Lahiri, a successful OB/GYN, is a self-determined individual that tries to sort out her life in her mid-30s. Inevitably, she faces many struggles but still upholds an optimistic atmosphere. I’d recommend this series if you’re looking for a witty, comedic show or a quick study break (only 20 minutes an episode)!

How To Get Away With Murder

Saved the best for last! I’ve been obsessed with this show as soon as I started watching it about a year ago. It’s extremely suspenseful and has a twisted plot line, which obviously includes many murders. Everything seems unnatural; for example, the professor (pictured above) has an elite group of students that help her solve murders/crimes but become very closely intertwined in many murders. (I’m desperately trying not to spoil anything.) Each episode has weird flashback and/or foreshadowing clips which is confusing at first but one of the best and most frustrating cliffhangers I’ve encountered. Luckily, this show just started recently and the next episode comes out sometime in February so you definitely have time to catch up.

Those are my top favourites as of tonight. Hopefully, one of these shows sparked your interest and help you make use of your last few days of exam break!




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