A bike-friendly future for Calgary?


Have you ever tried to bike in downtown Calgary? Let me tell you, it’s not a fun experience. Narrow streets, parked cars in one lane, impatient drivers in the other; and those are the least of your worries with the various construction projects that seem to be a rather permanent fixture in the core. No wonder fewer Calgarians are biking to work. It seems a shame in a time where active living and reducing our environmental impact should be top priorities, that a city such as ours does not attempt to make commuting by bike a little more convenient and safe. That’s hopefully about to change. City Council is looking for ways to encourage Calgarians to cycle work, most likely by adding bike-only lanes downtown. By the time this could get implemented, most of us will already be in the work force, so would dedicated bike lanes encourage you to ride downtown on a daily basis? What else do you think the city could do to encourage Calgarians to ditch their guys and opt for a bike? Weigh in and let us know what you think of the state of our bike system in Calgary in the comments section below.