The best teen book sequels of 2013


DISCLAIMER: This post contains minor spoilers.

Being an huge bookworm, I am always waiting for new books to be released. There are series that I have been reading for years, impatiently awaiting much-anticipated sequels. I dare declare that 2013 has been a great year for teen book sequels. Of course I have many to share, but I narrowed it down to three of my personal favourites.

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) – Cassandra Clare

CP2_coverThe final instalment of The Mortal Instruments prequel trilogy, The Infernal Devices, is sure to strike a note with readers. I could not put it down until the very end. Heartbreak, death and destruction ravage the London Institute, the only home known to Tessa Gray, Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs. Will they be able to take down Mortmain’s army of automatons, save Jem’s life and find a happy ending? I won’t answer that one for you. What I can say is that I had a major case of the feels by the end. By the way, if you get a first edition hardcover copy, there is a family tree at the back, so if you get a copy like that, DON’T read the family tree first. It will ruin the outcome of the book for you.  house-of-hades-us-cover

The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4) – Rick Riordan

After a killer cliffhanger at the end of The Mark of Athena (released fall 2012), we find the Seven divided not only by location. With Percy and Annabeth en route to the deepest, darkest depths of the Underworld and Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper and Leo torn between paths to the Doors of Death, there is certainly no lack of action. They encounter deities they had yet to meet and have run-ins with others that they may not have wanted to see again. On a personal note, at least one of my favourite characters from a previous book makes a triumphant return and is sure to please all those who enjoy cute, fuzzy, undead creatures.

Allegiant (Divergent Trilogy #3) – Veronica Roth

 I’m still having mixed feelings about Allegiant. It was well written, the plot deepened and there was unprecedented character development. However, for those of you who are fine leaving the story where it leaves off at the end of Insurgent (book 2, 2012), don’t bother reading Allegiant. I read it in one shot and I was bawling by the end of it. I guess I saw the ending coming but I’m still not pleased. In a way, Allegiant was a allegiant-book-cover-high-resbit of a Mockingjay 2.0, given that there is a convoluted series of plot twists, it gets confusing at points and the ending is rather disappointing (No hate on Mockingjay though!). I’m not saying that I disliked Allegiant as a whole, because I really did love it, but there were definitely bits and pieces I would have rewritten.