A beginner’s guide to podcasts


I have something to admit. I think I’m addicted to podcasts.

Sure, I’ve been a casual listener for a few years now, but since picking up a monotonous summer job with earbud liberty, I’ve been hitting 30+ hours of podcasts a week. Yeah, it’s that bad.

Is that really bad though? I’d say there’s a pretty good case to be argued in favour of the audio shows. First of all, you can listen to them practically anytime. Gone are the days of wasting hours in front of a TV screen; podcasts can be consumed while you’re on transit, at the gym, doing dishes, cleaning your room, on a road trip, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless, and they can breathe new life to daily activities. Also, the fact that they’re free is pretty liberating— there’s no harm in downloading 20 episodes of a dozen different shows only to find out that they don’t really suit your taste.

In light of this, I’ve put together a list of podcast recommendations and I guarantee you’ll find one for you. I’ve linked to the podcast creator’s websites, but all of these can be found on the iTunes store.

If you love knowledge + fun facts:

og_imageStuff You Should Know —  For lovers of useless insightful information on a variety of topics from history to technology, science to culture, this is the podcast for you. There are weekly episodes and no obligation to listen to them in order, so scroll through the topics and find one that sounds interesting to you. (For a twist on this one with female hosts and topics about life as a woman, be sure to check out Stuff Mom Never Told You)


99% Invisiblelogo — For an insight into the largely “invisible” world of design and architecture, this is a podcast that delivers short episodes investigating a variety of topics that you’ve never even thought to consider. It features radio clips, interviews with experts, great music, and is hosted by Roman Mars, the founding member of the podcast network Radiotopia.



If you love humour:

tumblr_luz1d6gX8g1qzzhapThe Chapter Titles Were So Good — Basically, three guys who were massive Harry Potter fans as teens reread the series a chapter at a time and hilarity ensues. This was the podcast that started it all for me, and 2 years later I’m still an avid listener. It’s best to start at the beginning, but not required.



Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids — The title for this cover170x170-1one is pretty self-explanatory, adults read poetry, diary entries, and stories they wrote as children in front of a live audience. Go check it out and you won’t regret it.



If you love crime + mystery:

Seri20141110_030857_serialal — This is a podcast that took the world by storm in late 2014. More than anything else I’ve ever listened to, it’s addictive. I don’t want to give too much away, but this is a 12-episode series examines the true story of homicide trial that took place in the late 90s. It crucial that you listen to this one in order, so start at the beginning and enjoy!



22719_a11615podcastlogocourtesyrgbfCriminal — Unlike the 12-episode arc of Serial, this podcast presents a new story each week. These are only about 20 minutes long, so stream one next time you’re cleaning your room or making dinner. I promise it will keep you engrossed.



If you love stories + people:

invisibiliaInvisibilia — A fairly new podcast that focuses on the “invisible forces that shape our lives” (yes, I’m aware how vague that sounds). The episodes are quite long, but they touch on emotional and psychologically stimulating topics that leave you thinking long after the episode ends.



Strangers_logo_KCRW-1Strangers — A weekly podcast that provides a look into the exceptional lives of ordinary people. I decided to start at the beginning and work my way through this one, but there’s no reason to. I promise any episode you try out is a great place to start.



If you love conversation:

cover170x170Dear Hank & John — If you haven’t heard of Hank or John Green at this point, you’re probably living under a rock. This is an “advice” podcast (I’m using that term loosely because I’m fairly certain it’s just another excuse for brotherly banter) that will give you all of the weekly updates on Mars, AFC Wimbledon, and cover topics like YouTube culture, individuality, and anything else that pops into the brothers’ heads.


Hello+Internet.003Hello Internet — From the men behind the Youtube channels CGP Grey and Numberphile, this is a podcast that truly defines the genre of “Two Dudes Talking”. Grey and Brady’s differing approaches to YouTube, work, and life in general make for an engrossing exchange. It’s best that you listen to this one from the beginning, so head back to the debut episode and prepare to get addicted.



I hope that you found something that caught your eye, and be sure to give me a shout on Twitter if you have any feedback or further questions related to the wonderful world of podcasting.

All post images are from the respective linked webpages, and the feature image can be found here.