5 Beauty Benefits of the Banana Peel

What can you do with a banana peel?


Bananas. Immediately you may think of potassium and fiber; a fruit often eaten with your cereal and OJ. Yes, that much is true, but they are also much more beneficial than a simple sweet snack. Along with potassium, they are abundant with iron, zinc, amino acids, and antioxidants that give nutrients to your skin and hair. Bananas are a healthy source of vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well. However, what may not be as obvious of as a health source is the banana peel. The inner peel, is in fact, rich in nutrients as well!

Here are some of the great, yet unusual, ways to utilize the banana peel:

1) Teeth Whitener:

 Cut off a piece of the peel and rub gently over your teeth, using the inner part of the skin. The high amounts of potassium, manganese, and magnesium in the ripe banana will help remove stains as well as whiten your teeth. Keep rubbing for 1-2 minutes, then rinse and brush your teeth right after.

Whiten your teeth with banana peels


2) Combat Puffy Eyes:

It is true that cucumbers are popular for reviving tired, puffy eyes. Banana peels, however, can do the trick just as well. Simply lay the peels right on top of your eyes for a brighter, fresher look.

Combat puffy eyes with banana peels


Fight acne with banana peels



3) Acne Treatment:

Banana peels are also ideal for targeting pesky blemishes and acne. Anti-oxidants and nutrients in the peels actually help reduce the breakouts. Just carefully rub the affected area with a strip of the peel. Do this for a few minutes and rinse afterwards. Try repeating this three times a day to reap in the most results!




Use banana peels as a moisterizer




4) Moisturizer:

Rub banana peels on dry areas to soften

and hydrate your skin.







Brighten skin with banana peels




5) Skin Brightener:

Using the same method as before, cut a strip and apply the inner side of the peel to your face. Rub gently and rinse afterwards. The minerals help brighten skin in the similar way it does for your teeth.





So, before you finish your banana and throw away the peel, stop and use some of these tips to get the most out of your snack!