Beauty and Brains Conference 2009


The TELUS World of Science - Calgary is the host of the Beauty and Brains Conference

For young women ages 12-17 only! This FREE conference will inspire and enlighten young women about the opportunities for non-traditional careers in science, engineering, entrepreneurship, and technology.  During fun-filled workshops with some of the most successful women in our community, participants will gain confidence, connections and career options.

Due to the success of women in these programs, the Beauty and Brains Conference aims to help young women explore and network with professional women involved with such fields of work. This all-day event will provide young women with a chance to meet other like-minded women while learning more about these fields of work, the important role that they have in Calgary and possible education paths. Participants are invited to a fun filled day where they’re able to make lasting connections, enjoy a delicious lunch, win great prizes and take charge of their future!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

TELUS World of Science – Calgary
701-11th Street SW
Calgary AB
T2P 2C4
1 block west of the 10th St. C-Train Station

CLICK HERE for more information about this awesome event!

Registration has begun! You don’t want to miss out, so click here to register 😀