Be Fair! Fairly Traded Market Day 2009


Earlier this month we blogged about Make It, which was an awesome opportunity to purchase  “ethically made, one-of-a-kind handmade items” from local designers and artists. On Saturday November 28th, you’ll have a similar opportunity to make ethical purchases – this time from international vendors – at the University of Calgary’s Fairly Traded Market Day.

Put on by the university’s business faculty, the event is running for it’s sixth year and will feature over 20 fair trade, international, local, and green vendors as well as great local entertainment and food from Calgary’s EthniCity Catering. It is a free event, so it’s light on our student wallets, and it’s located less than 10 blocks away from the Sunnyside C-Train station at the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Hall.

For more information check out the web-page and the poster. See you there!