BatTram: Batman Tram!


big-beautiful-photos-of-russias-new-tram-of-the-futureRussia’s all new Batmobile-like tram have been recently showcased on the internet. These trams contain a lot of new tech gadgets that Batman would probably enjoy. It includes tech for passengers like WiFi and music that changes based on the time of day as well as other necessary things like air conditioning and anti-bacterial hand rails.68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f313036373930372f313733313732342f37353661333561322d363330662d313165332d383732632d3936323166666364623830322e706e67 There is also a USB 3 port in order to keep the drivers’ phones battery filled. It is not very likely that this exact model will come to Canada, but maybe North American companies will strive up to that level. Perhaps we could have something like this in the future in Calgary.