Battlefield 3 Online Multiplayer


Warning: Battlefield 3 is an “M” rated game (17+)

There are basically four game types in the online multiplayer – team deathmatch (team vs. team, first to get a certain number of kills win), squad deathmatch (multiple squads, first to get a certain amount of kills win), rush (team vs. team, attackers must plant and detonates explosive on objectives, defenders must stop them) and conquest (team vs. team, hold certain points on the map to assert dominance and win).

The multiplayer is awesome, huge maps, vehicles, and various classes allow those of any play style to have fun. This is where the graphics and destructibility of the frostbite 2.0 engine truly shine.

Its non-linear style allows for multiple approaches to any given obstacle, but teamwork is the key to success. Unlike Call of Duty, where one beast of a player (like me) can carry his team and win the game, in Battlefield 3 if you have a bad team with one good player, you still lose (unless that player happens to be me).

My only complaint is that the gamers that play it often ruin it. It is way too frequent to go into a game where the majority of the opposing team is camping at some window or in some corner. I play video games because they’re fun, but it is definitely not fun to go five minutes without seeing a single enemy player just so I can get shot in the back as I run through a door. Now this won’t be a problem if I’m playing in a good team where I can tell my teammates where the camper is located so they can help me take him out. But more often than not the majority of my team is also composed of campers that refuse to leave there camping spot (too busy roasting marshmallows?) or snipers that don’t play the objective and think they’re beast for getting a 2.0 k/d (4-2? Definitely MLG).

Maintaining a k/d as high as mine while playing the objective is hard enough on its own but with all the campers on Battlefield 3, sometimes I even have to use my primary weapons.

I give the online multiplayer 91%.

[youtube dx8KUFv95s4]