Youth Week: Back to the Future


Youth Week Calgary! It’s the time of the year where we can go out with friends and enjoy ourselves for free or for a cheap price! This Youth Week, I visited the Boys and Girls Club to view a screening of Back to the Future 2.

The Keystone youth program prepared snacks and created a friendly, theatre-like environment. There were also beverages and snacks (such as popcorn, chips, etc.) sold for a cheap price of $1. The great environment and service was made possible because of youth volunteers from the Keystone program (if you are looking for a volunteering program that allows you to volunteer inside and outside of Calgary, volunteer at Keystone! They offer volunteering programs for ages 13-18 that introduce unique opportunities). For more information on the Boys and Girls Club and the Keystone program, read Richard’s blog here.


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The movie (Back to the Future 2) was insightful about how people in the past thought the future was going to look like – flying cars and hover boards. What did people think 2014 was going to look like? This movie answers this question and in an interesting and different way than you might expect; Back to the Future 2 is definitely a movie worth watching!

Review: If I were to rate the entire program out of five, I would rate it as a 4.5. Everything was great; the environment, the movie, the preparations, etc., but I felt like the sound and visuals were a little too faded. Other than that, this Youth Week event was great and it left a positive impression! Not many youth visited because this was the first time Keystone organized an event for Youth Week, but be sure to visit next year!