Who’s ready to put down the game controller?


So we’ve all had our fun: the late nights, movie marathons, endless hours of video games, eating ice cream for all three meals of the day, vacationing, and best of all, no work! But unfortunately, summer is now at an end, which in turns means the beginning of a new school year. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do summer activities anymore.

Personally, I am ecstatic about going back to school. For me, I’m entering my final year of high school. Who hasn’t dreamt about this year? Maybe you imagined you would be that popular jock or cheerleader. Or maybe you imagined taking a leadership role in school activities and events. But regardless, that final year signifies the end of youth. The thought of enrolling in university is daunting. Knowing that your future shifts accordingly; it’s pretty intimidating.

But enough about adulthood. School is about growing up. Not just intellectually, but personally. Each and every student experiences it differently. This is the time when you figure out who you are, and what you hope to be. It’s about being young and expressive. So be who you want to be, and have no regrets. You may find this shocking but many adults often feel nostalgic about their school years and wish to turn back the time. For some, it may be because they regret not having studied more.

Am I suggesting that we should all focus merely on our studies? Of course not. What are human beings without emotions? We’d be robots. Cherish your friends, thank your teachers, thank your parents, respect all your peers. It’s all about finding your own balance. A balance between life and school. But heck, who says you can’t have a life at school?

So? I’m not ready to put down the game controller. But I’m not going to glue my hands to them either. I’ll pick it up from time to time, but not let it get control over me.

Oh, and by the way, I don’t play video games. 😉