Be awesome with Kid President!


Meet 10-year-old Robby, otherwise known as Kid President.

Together with his older brother-in-law, Brad Montague, they created their first Kid President video in July 2012 out of the simple belief that kids have voices worth listening to. ( Nowadays, the dynamic duo continue to create inspiring and thought-provoking videos about how to make the world more awesome!

Do you remember what it’s like to be a kid?

When you’re filled with youthful vitality, see the world in simpler terms and have each day be filled with laughter? I’ve forgotten. At some point in the murky waters that is being a teenager, my inner child slowly disappeared. Or has it? It was such a refreshing change of pace to see the unadulterated enthusiasm that Kid President demonstrates. It reminded me.

We were all children once. As a child, I had the misconception that all adults do is work, that their lives are devoid of fun. Now that I’m older, I realize that’s not true. We just gradually create a shell around our inner child, with all the pressures of society that surround us – the need to “act our age” and to “grow up.” However, we should always try to maintain a healthy balance between childlike wonder and adulthood maturity.

Whatever you are planning to do this year, perhaps a little pick-me-up is important to get you through the tough days. I’m sharing three Kid President videos that I’m particularly fond of. As he would say, the time to be awesome is now!

The True Story of Kid President

We get to see behind-the-scenes of how the videos are created as well as the type of person “The Robster” is. He is diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, a condition that makes his bones more prone to fracture (Wikipedia) Despite having over 70 breaks, he keeps getting up and dancing.

That kind of resilient spirit is something that we can keep in mind in our lives too. It doesn’t matter how many times we fall, what matters is if we keep getting up. That courage is recognized by others, and gives them the strength to keep going.

How To Change The World (a work in progress)

Who said kids don’t know much about the world? In fact, Kid President brings up good points on some of the ineffective ways that people approach changing the world, such as complaining or ignoring problems. “The world is changed by ordinary people,” says Kid President. That means you and me.

One incredible project that he did with ordinary people was Socktober where he challenged people to donate socks and other basic supplies for the homeless. To learn more: and to see the results of this project, click here.

Pep Talk to Teachers and Students

What are you teaching the world? We’re all teachers and we’re all students. It’s important to remember that as we’re going through our day-to-day life. Someone is watching what you do, just as much as you listen to what the teacher has to say in class.

I’m changing the world by writing about issues that are important to me, because someone out there needs to hear it too. I also learn from people like Kid President on how to live a more meaningful life – it’s not all about homework and grades. We make history each day as people become a part of your story and you become a part of theirs.

I hope you’ve been reminded of your inner child, no matter how old you are. I certainly have. Here on Youth Are Awesome, we showcase what our generation is doing to change the world. Kid President is a great example.

DFTBA! (Don’t Forget To Be Awesome!)

Further Reading Their official website where you can find blog posts and learn more about who they are.

Soul Pancake Youtube Channel Your place for finding Kid President videos and other amazing videos on the Soul Pancake channel. There’s many videos that weren’t shown in this post, so I highly recommend you check out the rest. Find them on Facebook And on Twitter too. Created by Neil Parischa, author of The Book of Awesome, he recounts the little things that make each day awesome.