How to make the most of August


Let’s face it, August sucks. It is the month that hosts the arrival of back-to-school commercials and just reminds us that the effervescent of rays of summer are about to come to an end. To those more fortunate, August also tends to be the dreaded month of heat waves and unbearable weather. But here are some things to make the most of what we can of August.

1. Go on a Netflix/movie/TV show marathon– This one is especially directed to all the students out there, this is honestly the last chance you are going to get to binge on your favourite TV show or movies(s). Make the most of the last remnants of vacation by catching up on that new show everyone’s talking about so that you can emerge from your television coma as hip as can be in front of all your peers.

2. Explore the outdoors– As much as you may want to continue sleeping in and continuously become fulfilled in your TV coma, you may want to venture to a place called, “the outdoors.” For us Calgarians, this may be the last chance that we get to see sunshine and green grass for eight months.

Taken at Fossil Mountain. You could actually see the wildflowers.
Taken at Fossil Mountain. You could actually see the wildflowers.

3. Eat– I recently found this calendar via the Social that marks every food holiday in August. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to celebrate National S’more’s Day?

4. Exercise– If you are planning to stuff your face throughout the last precious days of summer, you should also consider incorporating some exercise into the array of carbohydrates that you may be ingesting. With the sun hanging in there, go for a jog along Bowness park or a hike in Banff.  An active routine will also help you gear into shape for school or work. The best part about this time is, you can’t use the excuse of a “workload” or a “busy schedule” to get out of hitting the gym. Let’s face it, getting fit will also help offset the amount of winter weight you will be gaining later on this year.

5.  Volunteer– Rather than lulling around at home, get yourself involved! Put yourself out into the community, where your services can benefit people who are really in need of your help. Youth Central is offering various summer camps you can volunteer for. So if you are a youth willing to finally break those barriers holding you back, volunteer with us. It is a great opportunity to not only make an impact, but it also allows you to make new friends and build meaningful connections.

6. Festivals/Events– We are clearly not the only ones who want to make August a memorable month. Various events and festivals are happening around the city. Check out our calendar here. You can view fireworks during GlobalFest; this year’s theme is Southeast Asia (a part from France, which is honoured again this year). If you are a music buff, check out X-Fest during August 30th and 31st. Headliners include Arctic Monkeys, Jack White and Calgary’s own Tegan and Sara. August is a busy month so be on the lookout.

With these tips, I hope we can all experience the light that August can bring. Who knows when you will be seeing the sunlight again, so make the most of it.