Attempting to Answer Philosophical Questions


I think about life a lot, often having an existential crisis every day. Who are we? What are we even doing here? Do we even have a purpose?  The greatest philosophers haven’t thought up an answer to those questions, what makes me fit to answer them? Absolutely nothing! But that’s why it’ll be interesting!

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  1. Does Time Have A Beginning or End: yes and no. Time has always been around, but it only began when there were things to document its presence. First there was nothing, then there was everything, and of course, that took time to happen. And far off into the future, there will be everything then there will be nothing. We’ll only say time started when things started to happen and say it ends when there’s nothing left to happen. But when the world comes to an end, there will be nobody to even remember what “time” was.
  2. What Is Love: love is a feeling. It’s strong and powerful. It’s a feeling of joy and happiness and all things good.
  3. Is Our Universe Real: yeah, of course. I mean, what are we living in? Unless we’re not real. Then nothing’s real. But today, I’m leaning more towards the “we exist” side, so yes. The universe is real. If we’re real, we need something real to live in, am I right?
  4. Is There More Than One Universe: yes. There’s definitely some parallel universe with another version of us in it living some double life. There’s no doubt, we’re not the only universe.
  5. What Gives Life Its Meaning: what you decide to do in it. Life only has a meaning if you give it one. You can live your life however you want, you can choose how to live it. If you want to live your life every day doing something important, that’s what you’re giving back to life. You spend every day painting, you’re leaving behind beauty for the rest of world and that was your life’s meaning. If you spent every day murdering people, that’s the type of meaning you’re giving your life; a negative one. To shorten it up, what gives life its meaning? You do.
  6. Do Animals Have Souls: of course! Animals have souls and feelings and everything us humans have.
  7. Why Do We Experience Emotion: we experience emotions because we have a need to feel. We want to feel happy or need to feel angry and we will. Emotions make us who we are, it controls our thoughts and actions. Without experiencing any type of emotion, we’d be living in a cold and dark world.
  8. How Do You Explain Consciousness: I think it’s being aware. When you’re unconscious, you’re unaware of your surroundings. Being conscious, you have access to more things within yourself than when you are asleep.
  9. Why Do We Dream: we dream because we have all these images stored in our head with nowhere to go! They put memories to good use. We dream because why not? Our mind is so great, it can even make mini-movies. We dream because we can.
  10. Why Do We Create Art: we create art because we want to express ourselves. We want beauty to be shared with the world.

Think about it tonight while you’re trying to go to sleep. Do we exist? What is time? What is life? Give it a nice deep thought. Who knows, maybe you’ll figure out the answer to everything.

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