Eye shadow art: Make-up artist to the max


The amount of precision KatieAlves uses on her designs and the amount of detail and effort she puts into her makeup is just craaaazy bread o_O. And that is why deviantArt is one of my favorite things, ever. Of course, this isn’t your typical wear-to-school, but I dare you to do it. I think I might try it for Halloween, so Halloween come quicker. What I love about her is that she knows what audience she’s targeting with her art. It’s always nice we recognize movie characters or iconic figures.  So without further ado, here are Katie Alves’ eyelids.
Also, she has the prettiest eyelids, hey?
She also does face make-up and much much more eyeshadow art, I just couldn’t fit all her awesomeness into one blog, so go check her out. 😉

Super Mario Eyes

I was definitely singing the Super Mario Bros. theme in my head while looking at this.


Part of the Disney Make-Up Collection

The Tangled make-up is my favorite. Also, it’s the bestest movie too.

Mulan Eyes

I grew up loving Mulan. So much respect.

Canada Day Eyes

And apparently she’s Canadian. Woo, pride 🙂

Nyan Cat Eyes



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