Art, Calgary, society and us…


Calgary Art WalkToday I attended the Art and Culture Youth Vital Signs and Calgary Foundation discussion. Art and its role in development in our city in regards to youth was the topic under the scope.

One of the things that was repeated during the conversation was the derogatory view of arts in general. In our society, academic subjects like math are believed to be more important than arts. In our school board, when there are budget cuts, it is the art programs that suffer the most. Many parents make it clear that art should be a hobby and it can’t be something you make a living on. It is sad that a 100% in Math is not the same as 100% in Art for some people.

The origin of this lower rank of art discipline seems to arise from the lack of awareness that youth (and parents) about careers in creative fields. This issue can be handled by educating parents about the value of art in our society and the bright careers it provides. Youth should be provided with more opportunity to engage with development of city with art.

It would make sense to allow local artists to represent what Calgary really is on public art spaces rather than expensive brand named artists. Calgary has great art displays all over it, however it is lacking the reflection of its people. If people get involved the value of art will be well felt and there awareness will overpower ignorance.