Appreciating Free Time and its Pathway to Relaxation & Happiness


We have many things to be thankful for –  healthcare workers, family and friends, fulfilled basic needs, and beyond. However, I believe that there is a more intangible phenomenon that we should all show appreciation for in our hectic and busy everyday lives: free time.

It may come often, it may be rare. Whether in high or low concentrations, it’s important to have some time to spare. (rhyme intended)

The important thing to follow when it comes to free time is not to follow anything. Never think that you “wasted” your free time – just appreciate it, because soon enough, it’s likely your mind will go back to work in some way or the other. As long as you’re doing something that you really feel like doing, and not necessarily something you feel like you should be doing, you haven’t wasted any time at all. You have the rest of your life to be doing things you should be doing; in the time you have given yourself as free time, just live. I’m not saying that you should disregard your duties and completely prioritize ‘you time’, but when that ‘you time’ does come, just appreciate it. The best of everything comes in a balance.

In addition, I believe that free time is one of the best forms of therapy. I once read a quote by Casey Neistat – “free time is the enemy of progress.” I couldn’t disagree more. On the contrary, I feel as though free time enables progress. It provides mental relaxation, encourages self-care, gives you something to look forward to, boosts creativity, and most important of all, it makes you happy. If that isn’t progress in itself, I don’t know what is.

In fact, if possible, go find some free time of your own right now. Regardless of your situation in any task you are working on at the moment – whether short term or long term – you have deserved it. It’s inevitable that you will have to do work at some point, and that’s okay. Maybe that’ll even make you appreciate the free time even more. Just make sure you find a balance that works for you. Take some time to focus on you, and everything will be okay. And no matter what, always remember this: 

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

– Marthe Troly-Curtin

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