Apply for the 2016 National Student Commonwealth Forum


A hop, skip and a boatride into the past might bring you to June 12th 1215. On this day, a little over 800 years ago, marked the birth of the Magna Carta. Also known as The Great Charter and one of the most imporant documents in hisory as it proclaimed everyone is subject to the law, even the king. In addition, it guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial. As a foundation stone for the democracy present in a majority of societies and the Commonwealth. A “compelling force for good.”
The Commonwealth which was once the British Commonwealth of Nations, one of the oldest political association of states in the world, is recognized today as “a compelling force for good, an effective network for cooperations and for promoting development. It is a voluntary organization of 53 independent and equal sovereign states (that are all responsible for creating their own policies) that use consensus based decision-making for the “common good”.

ANYWHO I want to invite YOU to apply to become a delegate for the upcoming National Student Commonwealth Forum! During this week long conference you meet like minded youth that may just become life long friends, as well as members of parliament, senators and high commissioners. I attended the forum last year on a whim when my friend told me about how incredible the week was for her. I applied alone and sort of just jumped at the chance to travel. While it was intimidating to begin without a friend by my side, everyone was so kind and welcoming that in a minute we were all literally laughing until we cried. I got moved to learn more about international affairs and our global community and I was constantly inspired by the people who surrounded me from their passion to become movers and shakers. Corny, I know, but these people had ambition and I continue to admire them.

So if you’re in high school and interested in international affairs, the Commonwealth, consensus-based decision making or debating in the senate and listening to speakers that can make you laugh but also make you think or if you’re interested in soaking up the maple syrup and all the other things that make us Canadian in our Capital, apply for the National Student Commonwealth Forum TODAY! LITERALLY. March 15th is the deadline for applications and more important information can be found below.

NSCF 2015

– This year’s NSCF will be from May 1st to May 6th
– The program is held in Ottawa, Ontario and is open for students in grade 10, 11 or 12
– The cost of the program is 310$ for out of town delegates, however accommodations may vary (you can stay with family/friends, a host family or on a university campus for an extra cost.)
– Apply with a partner! you’ll need a partner when representing a country during the Model Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). However you can apply alone! all will be well
– The last day to apply is MARCH 15TH 2016


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