Youth Central’s Annual General Meeting


On Jan 26, 2012, I attended and spoke at Youth Central‘s Annual General Meeting. The AGM is held through Youth Central to recognize individuals that have been making a difference in their community, to inform others about Youth Central programs/initiatives and to distribute the Annual Report. My experience with Youth Central has been absolutely wonderful! I’ve been able to make new friends (including staff members), experience new opportunities and develop new skills. It’s given me the strength and opportunity to set goals and achieve them. Here is my speech that I presented at the AGM. Hopefully this inspires you to join these committees or get involved some way in your city.

My Annual General Meeting Speech- About the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards committee & the Mayor’s Youth Council

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.- Margorot Mead. Youth Central allows youth to make a difference. The ability to implement change, and put ideas into action. The power is in your hands. My name is Sheliza Kassam and I have been actively involved with Youth Central over the past three years. It all started with me signing up for Youth Central projects online such as Empty Bowls or Habitat for Humanity. After a while, I decided to join a committee that would give me the opportunity to get involved with the City, so I started off with the Youth Week steering committee. Now, I am currently a co-chair of both the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards Committee and the Mayor’s Youth Council.

In the Mayor’s Youth Council, there are three committees: Promotions, Research and Civic Engagement. The Promotions committee works to promote city wide events and MYC events such as Mayor for a Day. Mayor for a Day is a new contest for youth to submit an essay with the three things they want to do for Calgary. The three things idea was derived from Mayor Nenshi’s project called “3 Things for Calgary”. These three things to implement in the city can vary from a peer tutoring program or getting to know your neighbours. This committee also actively blogs on about current local issues or programs available to youth. The Research committee focuses on one topic for the year, for example, drinking and driving. The committee decided to involve all the high school graduates to sign an agreement saying they would ensure a safe ride home. The successful school won a graduation limo ride for free. Last but not least, our civic engagement committee. This committee promotes activism throughout our city. They recognize youth-friendly areas and attend forums around the City of Calgary. They also find ways to create a safer and cleaner Calgary.

I am also involved in the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards committee where we recognize individuals that are making a difference in society. Our categories are: Sportsmanship, Arts and Culture, Volunteerism, Advocacy, Peer Support, Leadership, Perseverance and Environmentalism (Group and Individual). What makes YODA special is how all the awards are non-academic. Youth are also allowed to nominate their peers, which is what catches several people’s eyes.  The committee receives nominations until March 5 this year. The YODA committee then deliberates and chooses three finalists and the recipient for each award. All these guests are invited to the Calgary Zoo for an awards ceremony. The experience, the award, the environment truly gives the finalists a sense of confidence and happiness that they really do make a difference. The ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards allow people who aren’t necessarily recognized, to be recognized.

Overall, Youth Central is an environment that allows youth to enter with a sense of belonging and happiness. It allows youth to develop skills and connections for their future. The positive environment keeps you going when you’re stuck on an idea or looking for an answer. Both the Youth of Distinction Awards Committee and the Mayor’s Youth Council of Calgary give people like me, the chance to meet the Mayor, or promote your involvement with volunteering through television networks. Youth Central is your chance to make a difference. Youth are leaders of tomorrow. The time is now. Join Youth Central. And every step you take, you will start to change the world, one piece at a time.