Four most annoying sounds in the world


1. Alarms

Anyone can complain about how much they hate the sound of their alarm clock in the morning. The worst is when you decide to put your favourite song as your alarm so that you can “wake up with a smile on your face.” Quite the opposite can happen, where you can never ever bear to listen to that song again!

Just a little suggestion… don’t ever do that!

2. Lawn mowers in the morning

This happens to the best of us… it’s the weekend, and you’re sleeping in after a long week. You wake up for a few seconds with the sun shining on your face, turn around and go back to sleep again, when suddenly a loud groaning noise fills the neighbourhood! You try to smother the sound with your pillow and try to go back to sleep as you curse the neighbours, but you can’t! WHY? Because now you’re wide awake and you can’t go back to the deep sleep that you were rudely awakened from!

3. Nyan Cat

I can’t understand why anybody would EVER like this “song.” It doesn’t make sense to me and I do not even try to find any meaning in it. Back in junior high, we had music to signal the beginning and end of the periods instead of bells. Someone got the bright idea of playing Nyan Cat instead of a good song, and everybody jumped out of their skins as it blasted out through the speakers! Let’s just say that no one can ever forget the pain our ears went through that day.

4. Drumming on tables and other surfaces

Now I don’t know if this bugs everyone or if it’s just me, but when I’m trying to study and the person next to me begins drumming on a surface, it makes me go insane! How does anyone think that I will be able to focus with the constant tapping and banging on whatever object is near them? They need to be slightly more considerate about the impact their knocking has on the people around them.

And here’s my rant on the most annoying things in the world. I hope you can relate to it!