Annoying Art Blocks? Get Rid of Them with These Tips!


Have you ever experienced the annoying choke of ideas when you draw? Have you ever felt like your brain is suffering a drought and just can’t think of anything original? Well, worry no more because these 5 tips will help you get past the endless seas of unoriginal, uninspired and conventional ideas! Maybe.


1. Get inspiration by doing things that provoke emotion.

Emotion is a big part in art, especially when you are creating something that is ‘yours’. Just illustrating your emotions can create something original and inventive. Some things that may provoke emotions might be just doing something that makes you happy, such as: playing your favorite sport, hanging out with friends, etc. Another really common way to encourage emotion is music; you can also draw what you hear as well (as an idea).

Here are some ’emotional’ pieces (feel free to click for websites as well):


2. Get inspiration from doing something different than you normally do; be different.

Experiencing something new and different for the first time leaves a lot of first-time impressions. Inspiration can come from anywhere and by doing these things you might even realize or notice things you haven’t before. By experiencing different aspects of something you can also see it from different points of views. This opens up new ways to interpret things around you.


3. Use different mediums.

OK, I know its painful parting with your pencil or whatever artist’s implement you use. When I had an artist’s block and needed to come up with new ideas I was really reluctant to part with my beloved pencil, but sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone. I tried water-colour, and, believe it or not, I came up with some pretty unusual but unique ideas. They didn’t really work out with watercolour, so I went back to using pencil and the ideas turned out like I imagined them to be (well, almost).

Here are some mediums you can use (there are links as well):

Garbage (click for more)

– Paint (water-colour, oil paint, acrylic, etc.)

– Pastels

– Charcoal

– Pencils / Pencil Crayons

– Ink (for demonstration of its use click for video)


4. Let others spark your ideas.

I think that a really important part of art is letting yourself admire and learn from other artists. Let them inspire you if you can’t inspire yourself or find anything interesting.

Here is some creative and inspiring art:


5. Draw.

Just draw. My last and final tip is just to unleash anything you have cooped up inside you or see around you out on the blank surface in front of you. If you completely lack emotion, just draw whatever you see. After drawing a lot, see if you could combine your pieces or enhance them with colour, pattern, etc.

Art Block



— “Emotional Artwork.” Gallery For. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <>.

— “ExtremeTech.” ExtremeTech. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <>.

— “20 Unusually Awesome Art Mediums.” – My Modern Metropolis. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.