The little (annoying) things about Facebook


I joined Facebook to keep in touch with friends. I never realized that I would actually get “addicted.” It’s just something about me and creeping other peoples’ profiles. –Shifty eyes-. Well anyways, it is summer and people need something to occupy their time. For most of us – it’s Facebook. And when I’m on Facebook, sometimes things on my news feed come up and it just makes me shake my head. Of course, I’ve probably been guilty of quite a few of these things but a combination of a lot of them is just too much. For instance….

Abusing the Status Update
Some people take advantage of the “What’s on your mind?” question.

“I am eating a sandwich right now”
“I just choked on the lettuce”
“I’m all better now”
^Woah there. We don’t need a play by play of your life.

“OMG. She’s such a meany poo. I hope I never have to see her ugly face again”
^There’s also the passive aggressive posts. If you’re angry at someone, don’t tell Facebook, go tell the person. It’s not likely that they’ll see your post and decide to modify their behaviour. Plus, they could probably care less.

“Like for a tbh,” “Like this and I’ll answer (insert a long list of questions) about you”.
^I think it’s a guilty pleasure for some people or it’s just something entertaining to do when you’re bored. It was alright when it was just a small trend, but now my newsfeed is littered with that stuff.

There’s a solution to all of that.  As you comb through your newsfeed, click the ‘X’ at the top right of an update and it’ll ask you if you’d like to hide the post, all the posts from this particular person, or report as spam. I wouldn’t pick the last one, but selecting one of the two first options should solve your problem. For example:











5,549. HOW? You’re just 14 years old. If it were possible to get Facebook the day you were born, that’d be approximately 1 picture a day. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of. Also, after seeing so many photos of you on my newsfeed every day, I feel the slight need to unfriend you.















Sending me Farmville, Restaurant City, or Mafia Wars this many times won’t make me say yes.

Not sure what it’s for ._.
I think it’s just there to fill up empty space.

Silly spelling and Grammar
“Your” and “you’re” is not the same thing. “Their,” “there,” and “they’re” are all different.
“U R A Q T 3.14” <— Sorry, what’s that? Oh, that says: You are a cutie pie.

Changing Your Name
Changing Bieber or Jonas to your last name doesn’t mean you’re married to them.


Facebook’s Constant Facelifts
Every time Facebook changes its setup or layout, it’s very disorienting and slightly frustrating. Just as everyone settles down with the latest change, BAM, in comes another one. It also creates a wave of similar status updates from people complaining about the new layout.

Yep, that’s about it.

Sidenote: you should like Youth Are Awesome on Facebook.


  1. One thing that annoys me on Facebook is when people put that they're unhappy or mad or something and then "don't want to elaborate." Well, then don't put it on Facebook in the first place!

  2. Oh god, and: "Repost this to support X cause" or "99% of you won't repost this because blah blah". RAGE. Take your bloody slacktivism elsewhere.

  3. Jen: I know, hey! Take your sadness and leave.

    Ali: Makes me want to ragequit Facebook or purge my friends list ><

  4. One thing that annoys me most about people on Facebook is when they complain about their life i.e. their marks. They make it seem like it's not their fault they receive a bad mark and they expect people's sympathy??

  5. The passive aggressive posts really irk me. I mean, if you're gonna complain about someone, you don't need to do it over the internet without naming names.

    Also, the people that come on chat, say "hi" or "hey" and then don't respond when you reply really annoys me.

  6. MJ: Oh~ I know what you mean. Seriously, go fix your mark instead of going on Facebook ._.

    Syed: Chats usually go like: "Hey" "What's up" "Nothing much, you?"…then the conversation goes and dies in a hole. I've given up on chat.

  7. Oh man I hate the self pity posts. I just tend to avoid those people and then they come back and say "How come you never talk to me?" all the while I'm going inside my head "COS YOU CRAZY FOO!"

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