Animals: Friends, Not Foes


Do you have a pet? Yes, those cute, cuddly animal best friends. Whether it be a dog or a cat, hamster or a fish, we humans greatly cherish our furry companions.

The sad reality is, not all animals experience love from their owners. In fact, many animals suffer from animal abuse on a daily basis. Cruelty to animals has been a growing issue throughout human history. Animal cruelty usually isn’t received with very much attention, partially because animals might not be seen as equal to humans, and partially because animal abuse goes unseen. This makes animal abuse often go unreported and unpunished. Domestic animals often experience cruelty and neglect in both urban and rural areas. Animals who are most commonly abused are reported to be dogs, cats, horses and livestock.

But animals should never be abused; animals are human’s best friends. In fact, we humans, are animals as well. Dogs for example, have the reputation of “man’s best friend”, and that title isn’t there for no reason.

After the recent terrorist attacks on Paris that resulted in approximately 130 tragedies, police raided a building in Saint-Denis believed to have been resided by terrorists. There was also a dog among the heroic police men and women in the raid. The 7 year old Belgian Malinois police dog named Diesel was reportedly killed “by terrorists” during the police raid. Diesel was helping the police look for explosives. News of Diesel’s death resulted in widespread social media mourning from all over the world, sparking the hashtag #JeSuisChien and #JeSuisDiesel.Diesel the dog

Diesel is a perfect representation of most dogs’ loyalty, love and companionship to their human companions; Diesel bravely participated in a mission to seek justice for those 130 souls lost on November 13th, 2015. Diesel was truly an invaluable part to the mission, as many dogs are in dangerous police operations. Without Diesel, perhaps many lives would have been lost in the operation. After all, not all those who are brave walk on two legs.

Diesel is just one example of the significance of dogs to humans. Animals like Diesel, including our pets, are good, loyal companions that are willing to give us love if they’re given the opportunity.

As seen through the case of Diesel, animals are just as valuable as humans, and therefore should be treated with equal respect, and should never have to suffer abuse.  cute catcute dogs

There are many ways to help animals who have suffered from abuse including adopting an animal from the humane society or volunteering, donating, and helping a similar cause.




