An Interview With This Hisses


The Hisses!

Unfortunately I didn’t get to meet the band, This Hisses, in person however I did via email! I can already tell that this band is amazing and their style just naturally makes them different making the cool vibe the audience feeds off of them effortless. I’m sure their performance at Sled Island was beyond incredible!

Let’s go right to the interview to learn more about the band itself shall we?

1. How did the band form? 
I started This Hisses as a recording project to document four songs I had left over from my old band The Gorgon.  I basically cherry-picked my favourite drummer, JP Perron, and favourite guitar player, Patrick Short. After the first rehearsal, we realized we didn’t want to just be a recording project.  We wanted to be a full gigging, touring band.
2. How did their name come about?  
We don’t entirely remember; however, we liked the sibilant sound of This Hisses, and liked the various meanings the name can have.
3. Any common inspirations they look up too for their music?  We are big fans of Iggy Pop and The Stooges and The Gun Club.
4. What’s the best part about being in a band? Making records!  There is nothing quite like locking oneself in the studio and making the best possible record you can imagine.
5. What’s one difficulty that has occurred working with a band? I have found that you have to get pretty good at problem solving and thinking on your feet when you are in a band– especially so when you are on the road.  Our van once broke down in the middle of a 180km wilderness reserve, at night, 2 hours away from the nearest town.
6. Do they enjoy the life on the road, what’s it like? Life on the road can be marvellous and tons of fun, or it can be challenging. We try to have a few days off on tour to camp and check out interesting places. JP has a knack for finding great deals on cabins by lakes, and cool restaurants.  Some of our biggest fights on the road come from who gets to choose the music in the van. We might need to resort to personal ipods with headphones for the next one, haha.
7. If they had to give advice to aspiring artists what would they say? Just do it– get out there and do it.  As well, don’t be too precious about your music.  Don’t be afraid of taking risks and of change.
8. If they could describe their band in one word, what would it be?  
Lastly I would like to thank, YouthAreAwesome, This Hisses, Carrie Mah and Amanda McCauly for giving me this marvelous opportunity to blog about a truly amazing band!