An Appreciation of Brown Bagging for Kids


Brown Bagging for Kids is one of the forefront charities in Calgary that takes on the roles to fight against childhood hunger. 


They are a Calgary based charity with the mission to:

“Connect and inspire people to take meaningful action to feed and care for kids”

Since 2005, they’ve focused on providing lunch to kids in school, even through the struggles of online education. They currently feed 4,900 kids every single day. 

Both schools I’ve attended within my time in Calgary were partnered with Brown Bagging. 

I’m in a fortunate position such that I’ve never had to use their service. However, I fully understand the impact this charity has inflicted onto my communities. I’ve had many peers who were heavily supported by their programs. 

21% of Calgarian reported having struggles paying their grocery bills for themselves and their families. Brown Bagging not only assists with food, but also developing that support and trust within the community. While not directly related to Brown Bagging for Kids, I understand how much it means to be that child who takes the outreached hand of a caring adult in the community. 

The workers and volunteers I’ve spoken to are incredibly passionate individuals. Kids deserve to eat and grow, and these people are so hard working to reach that manifesto. I deeply appreciate all of the donors, volunteers, and partners that make this charity possible. Food insecurity is a huge issue, especially with increasing grocery prices, and that’s why I appreciate Brown Bagging so much. 

I choose Brown Bagging because that’s the most familiar to what I’ve seen and experiences throughout my schooling. This link offers resources for food assistance for both children and adults alike. I’m very thankful for all that these charities do, and hope to support them more in my future for how they’ve impacted my communities. 


Brown Bagging for Kids Website

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