An analysis of the top 5 songs on iTunes


I never really listen to anything in the top 100 range, so I thought I’d take an adventure through the most popular downloads right now. Hopefully I’ll make it out alive…

5. The Monster (feat. Rihanna) – Eminem

Hmm. I’m not huge on the tune itself, but upon analyzing the lyrics, I found a message that was, well, kinda poetic in its own right. Rap is probably my most hated genre, but for a mostly rap song, I could see somewhat of a message in what was being, uh, said? Not really my speed, but overall, I have definitely heard much, much worse. 5/10

4. Let Her Go – Passenger

I actually really like this one. I really like ballads and this one is quite pretty. Having never heard it, I was surprised that it was this popular. Normally when I go looking to see what’s popular, I’m disappointed, but I see a glimmer of hope for the future of music in this song. I might actually download this. 8/10

3. Counting Stars – OneRepublic

Having listened to some of OneRebublic’s material before, I had pretty high expectations of this song. I must say, I’ve heard much better from them before. This isn’t too bad though. I think the music itself is to upbeat for the message, but overall, fair enough. 6/10

2. Say Something – A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

Umm, wow. This is just gorgeous. I swear, it’s perfect for a slow dance. I am not questioning the talent and credentials of those who made this song. It’s slow, heartfelt and just serene. Again, I am legitimately impressed. 8.5/10

1. Timber (feat. Ke$ha) – Pitbull

Songs like this are one of the main reasons I am adamant that I have lost faith in humanity. This is meaningless garbage. Of all the songs I listened to while writing this, this is the only song I had heard previously and was actually my reason for this post in the first place. I wanted to see if the other most popular songs were just as awful and I can confidently say that no, the rest were tons better. How Pitbull makes a living off junk like this, I don’t even want to fathom. 1/10 (Just because it’s mean to give zeros)

So overall, I was actually mildly impressed with what is apparently “popular” these days. There has certainly been much worse music that has taken over the charts. Maybe this is a step in the right direction except for that abomination of a Number #1 hit. Probably not, but there’s no shame in hoping so.