Are there any Fall Out Boy enthusiasts out there? If you are, you’d probably know that the newest Fall Out Boy album was released just recently. The band’s album has been anxiously awaited by fans around the world. After listening to the songs non-stop, I have successfully come to the conclusion that every single song on the album is perfection. Please keep in mind that some serious fangirling will be happening throughout this post.

The album starts off with an upbeat song called Irresistible. Everything about this song gives me the chills. It’ll have you singing along within the first few verses. I love the way it captivates you. It sucks you into the album. There truly isn’t any better song to start off the album.
It’s then followed by American Beauty/American Psycho. This one I’m going to have to admit is one of my least favorites in the album. But even though it is one of my least favorites, there’s still nothing bad I have to say about it. It’s catchy and easy to sing along to.
Centuries is third in the album. It was the first song to be released from the album and it blew me away. After listening to it the first time, I couldn’t stop myself, I broke the replay button. It got me hyped up for the release of the album. This song blows me away each and every time I listen to it. Patrick Stump’s voice is something I can only describe as angelic. This song is golden. It will be remembered for centuries. (Hehe, get it?)
This next song called The Kids Aren’t Alright is one of my favourites off the album. It’s a song so relevant to us teens nowadays, not to mention the soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal. Everything about this song makes me swoon a million times over.
Please mind my fangirling over Uma Thurman, the song and not the actress. Though I must say, she’s quite fabulous too. Anyways, what do I have to say about the song? Absolutely everything. My goodness it’s amazing. There is a science behind a good song. That includes head bobbing, foot tapping, bad dancing, and overly obnoxious singing, all which is present when listening to the absolutely incredible song. Or is that just me? Again, I cannot put into words how great Uma Thurman is.
Jet Pack Blues may just be my number one favorite song of the album. This song goes straight to my heart. Let me just say, Uma Thurman is a 10 out of 10 for sure, but JPB holds a special place about 5 spots over Uma Thurman. My heart fills with what I can only describe as utter and pure joy. Nothing compares to it. This song is 2 minutes and 59 seconds of audible angle tears. Is that even a thing? I don’t even know, that’s the only possible way of describing how amazing Jet Pack Blues is.
Novocaine is the perfect head banger song. If you’re into crazy dancing and singing into hair brushes, this is the song for you. I can tell you that I have jumped on my bed singing Novocaine into my hairbrush when I’m home alone in need for a stress reliever. You can sing out all that pent up stress I’m sure you have from exam break. This is the type of song infused with a heck of a lot of rock so you can definitely rock out to Novocaine. It’s so highly catchy and there’s no way you won’t like this song.
This song is for those firework and freedom lovers, Fourth of July. The instrumental is so pleasing to my ears and Patrick Stump’s voice is absolutely melodic. The chorus, my gosh the chorus is so captivating, like nothing I’ve ever listened to. It’s a mix of pop and rock, something that’ll please most listeners no matter their usual genre of music. This song is sure to bring a smile to my face no matter how many times I listen to it.
Favorite record is one of my favourite records of the AB/AP album. This song is light and upbeat, quite different from the other songs of the album that have a lot of drums and bass to it. The seems to be a bit of electro which is quite a change to the usual rock, a great change nonetheless. It’s different in such a great way and it’s just something definitely worth listening to.
Featured in a recent Disney movie, Big Hero 6, Immortals is a song to be heard. The song has this sort of electro vibe to it. The lyrics to this song fit in perfectly to the movie and is such a great choice to both the album ad the movie. Much like the previous song, the electro is such a great change to the previous albums.
This next song has a great bass and drum part throughout the entire song, Twin Skeletons (Hotel in NYC). The song begins with a sort of Halloween vibe, sounding like the Spooky Spooky Skeletons song. The after bits change greatly. Like Novocaine, this is also a great head banger song. There are so many great spots in this song that you could totally jam out to. This song has incorporated so many things into it, there are bits of Halloween, wonderful bits of bass and drums, and a lot of their old vibe. A song I definitely think is great for all ages. The lyrics are on a whole other level.
Overall, American Beauty/American Psycho is a 10 out of 10. I would definitely recommend it to everyone, whether you’re just getting into the rock scene or have been a fan for years, this album is absolutely amazing. It holds a spot at the top of my list of music albums.