Amazon Drones: What’s holding them back?


Most people know about the new Amazon Drones. The ones that whiz through the air and transport your cargo to your house in 30 minutes? Yes, those. Amazon wants to use them by 2015 in a project called Amazon PrimeAir. Many other companies are also using drones to deliver things like medicine and textbooks. However, it is still debated on, so what is really holding it back?

Firstly, one setback is from Federal Aviation Administration (USA). They have stated that the drones are not yet legal. For example, when Flying-Cam, an aerial filming company, wanted to use drones to film, the FAA published a set of regulations for Flying-Cam that were too restrictive for Flying-Cam to accomplish. This might be the same for Amazon, but we will have to wait and see.

Next, these drones will have high crash rates with other fast moving objects in the air and could potentially get stuck on things like trees.

Then there are the human problems. Amazon and Homeland Security are both looking into the possibility of these drones hacked and then flown to somewhere else. There is also the problem of theft of the packages and drones. These drones could also be potentially used to invade privacy, or government buildings like jails.

So this new concept is amazing and very innovative, however, there are still some more improvements to be made on this new technology. I hope they come out though!


To read more on Amazon Drones, click here.

To watch a video from Amazon, click here.