All you need to know about Fridays for Future


2021 was tied for the sixth warmest year (alongside 2018). The earth was 1.1 degrees Celsius warmer than the average back in the late 19th century. The climate crisis has affected the lives of many people around the globe. Climate change has heightened humanity’s insecurity towards how our future is supposed to look. Over time, the effects of climate change have been more pronounced due to drastic temperature changes and recent scientific discoveries all over the world. The effect of the climate crisis has helped society realize that climate change will not only affect the current generation, but generations to come.

Youth are at the forefront of the battle to fight the climate crisis. The current youth population (ages 15-24) makes up around 16 percent of the world’s population. Many youths are advocating for change and one of the most well-known organizations bringing young people to this battleground to fight climate change is Fridays for Future.

What is Fridays for Future?

Fridays for Future (also known as School Strike for Climate) is a grassroots organization founded by a environmental climate activist, Greta Thunberg back in 2018. Students skip their typical Friday classes in order to participate in protests all around the world to demand action from political leaders who have failed to prevent climate change.

There are approximately 150 countries and 2 million people who participate in protests worldwide every Friday. There have been multiple global climate strikes that have occurred since 2018, the most recent one being held back in September of 2021. Around 90 countries held climate strikes, with the majority of the demonstrations being dispersed around Germany. There was a lack of German political parties who were addressing climate change and Germany was on the cusp of a federal election.

Fridays for Future — Calgary

In Calgary, there is a local Fridays for Future organization. The organization is youth-led and they hold their protests every Friday from 2;30 pm to 4:00 pm in front of the Calgary Municipal Building. For more information,  you can learn more about Fridays for Future in Calgary by pressing the link attached below, which will re-direct you to the Fridays for Future Calgary website!

 How to take Climate Change Action

Many people all over the world have chosen to act on climate change. If you want to join the battle against the climate crisis, here are some ways to take action:

  • Voicing your concerns by talking to local trustees and councillors
  • Supporting or joining an environmental advocacy group
  • Attending strikes/demonstrations
  • Signing petitions
  • Starting up conversations about climate change and educating those around you
  • Supporting environmental activists
  • Using energy wisely (unplugging electronics when you’re not using them, changing your light bulbs into energy-efficient ones, etc.)
  • Investing in renewable energy sources such as solar energy
  • Using public transit, carpooling, walking, and biking more often

Although our world is drastically changing because of climate change, making these changes in our lives can make a difference in our world. No gesture is too small to make an impact in the world. Get involved, educate others and advocate for change!


Sources:  Featured, 1 , 2 , 3