All Night Fight


Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life is fantastic annual event meant relay2to raise funds to fight a disease that affects so many people.  Events happen all over Canada, and Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life – Calgary 2009 is just over a week away on June 19th, 2009. 

People all over Calgary are signing up in teams to participate in this all-night walk to fight cancer.  The 12 hour event not only raises money to help find a cure, but also celebrates those who have been lost to cancer, and honours survivors of the disease.  In fact, a beautiful ceremony is held at sunset where luminaries are lit to pay homage to those lost and provide inspiration for those participating in Relay for Life.relay1

It’s super easy to sign up – grab a bunch of people you know who are passionate about fighting cancer, and then visit the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life site to create a team.  If you won’t be able to make it to the event on June 19th, but still want to help, there also instructions on how to donate.