All Ages “Club”


logo nbcThe New Black Centre for Music and Art has all ages shows every weekend, and this place is quite a jem when you consider all the clubs there are in Calgary. These days, it seems as though youth can’t see a live music performance by local musicians in a drug and alcohol free environment without spending all our university savings. Well, good news! It is the main goal of The New Black Centre to provide that space for youth. There are three all ages events happening this weekend:

Thursday, June 3rd, 7:00pm: Sojourner with Northwest, Withdrawl, Swallow Your Tongue, Profits of Crime, and Rancor

Cost: $10

Friday, June 4th, 7:00pm: Jet Black Stare with Seventh Rain, Radio For Help, and Bullets In Overdrive

Cost: $12

Saturday, June 5th, 7:00pm: Aquila with Mark of Cain, As the Romans Do, Our City Screams, and Last Horizon


See you there!


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