Africa Blog – Day 4, 5, 6


For the rest of the first week, we had 3 more workshops before our weekend safari trip.

On day 4, it was just a typical workshop day on tropical diseases, such as malaria.

A few of our team got to test for HIV or malaria, one of which was our awesome team leader Matt.

Luckily, he tested for negative for both HIV and malaria. Wheeeew.

The next day we had probably the best workshop ever, we got to have an asthma attack, broken legs, broken arms, and even become unconsious, some of us even died. Fret thee not, we had a Wilderness First Aid and Evacuation workshop, so we faked all of the symptoms listed above. Basically, if we go on a hiking trip up Mount Kilomanjaro, which around a 6 day hike up, or any wilderness activity, and you get a broken leg or arm, I can secure it with sweatpants, or any clothing we have.

Best advice for a hiking trip: Do NOT bring nice clothing.

(Our attempt at carrying Virginia down ‘Mount Kilomanjaro’)

As a reward for our hard work for saving Virginia, we got to eat at the resort we were having our workshop, and the resort just so happened to be having Pizza Night! YUM. By  day 5, most of us were pretty home sick, since all we’ve been eating were pretty much beans and rice.

On the Friday, we had a dentistry workshop, in a super small classroom…

There were 9 girls in that room… We were pretty cozy.

After our workshop, we got to see the dentist work on a patient.

Quick Fact: Unlike most countries, dentistry is studied along with all the other subjects normal doctors would study, therefore it’s included in hospitals and clinics.

After our morning workshop and practical, we went to Shoprite, a local grocery story, to shop for food for our weekend Saaafaaari!! 🙂

We managed to get tons of food, but we also found something very interesting…

Men’s Bikinis… Wait whaaat?

On the other hand, look at how much we spent…

Mhmmm, We spent 39,000Tsh, don’t worry it’s not nearly as much as it sounds in dollars. 😉

Around the grocery story there were some strip malls, we managed to get some gelato. 😀

And That’s the end of the first week everybody!

Neeext coomes the weekend SAFARI TRIP!