Advocacy Against Bullying: Real Stories and the Fight for Change

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Bullying is a widespread issue that affects millions of individuals—youth, teenagers, and even adults. It can take various forms—physical, verbal, emotional, and, with the rise of the internet, cyberbullying—each equally powerful in creating lasting harm to victims. Advocacy against bullying is crucial in raising awareness, shaping policies, and encouraging respect and empathy. 

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Perhaps one of the most well-known cases of cyberbullying is that of Amanda Todd, a Canadian teenager who committed suicide in 2012 after years of online and in-person harassment. Todd, a 15-year-old high school student, after continuous harassment and after being sexually extorted, was undoubtedly a heartbreaking case that blatantly revealed the danger of cyberbullying. Amanda posted a video on YouTube, telling her experiences with blackmail, cyberbullying, and isolation. Her story sparked international concerns and inspired discussions about the dangers of online exploitation. Through Amanda’s case, it is apparent that we all should be more aware of the urgent need for stronger protections against cyberbullying, especially for youth. As the police got involved with the case, a Dutch man was arrested and found responsible for extortion and child pornography charges. In memory of Amanda, the government of British Columbia and Nova Scotia passed legislation against cyberbullying. In February 2024, a federal law that “would amend the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act” was also tabled.

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Unfortunately, Todd was not the only victim of cyber abuse. Tyler Clementi, an 18-year-old college freshman at Rutgers University, was cyberbullied by his very own roommate, who secretly recorded and shared footage of Clementi without his permission in violation of his privacy. After being harassed by his homophobic roommates for his sexual orientation, Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge on September 22, 2010. Later, Clementi’s roommates, Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, would eventually receive respective charges that held them responsible for their actions. These charges included invasion of privacy and hate crime. In memory of Clementi, his parents created an organization that advocates for acceptance of the LGBTQ+ communities under his name. 

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The list goes on: there are countless other stories of people who have suffered greatly due to bullying. For instance, Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl from Missouri, took her own life in 2006 after being harassed online. Dolly Everett, an Australian teenager, ended her life in 2018 after being cyberbullied. Keaton Jones, a young boy from Tennessee, had his mother posting a video of him crying and describing his painful experiences with school bullying. These stories all shed light on the emotional and physical consequences of bullying. 

Photo by Francisco Gonzalez on Unsplash

The point of detailing these heartbreaking stories is to highlight the importance of advocacy against bullying, advocacy against the happening of these various tragedies. Advocacy helps educate people about the different forms of bullying and their consequences—it is not unreasonable to wonder, that had there been more awareness about the gravity of bullying as a social issue, would these individual tragedies even happen in the first place? 

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Luckily, anti-bullying laws and school policies have become more and more widespread. Many countries have implemented laws addressing cyberbullying, harassment, and discrimination, ensuring that the victims are supported legally. As governments continue to work on strengthening regulations and enforcement of these anti-bullying legislation, we expect and hope to see fewer examples of Amanda Todd and Tyler Clementi. 

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

The individual cases of Todd, Clementi, Meier, Everett, and Jones remind us of the resounding fact that bullying has a profound impact on not only individuals but also their families and communities. It is therefore crucial that we make use of every effort, big or small, to work toward making the world a safer place. 




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