Advocacy 101: End Poverty by 2030


I was recently given the opportunity to participate in a webinar put on by RESULTS Canada designed to train people to advocate for ending world poverty. We have the ability to end poverty by 2030 if countries donate 0.7% of their GNI* as promised when the Millennium Development Goals were set by the United Nations in 2000. Those goals were due to be completed by 2015 and unfortunately we have fallen short of those goals and will likely see their due dates extended into the future. But the time for action is now and that can start with you.

Canadian federal elections are coming up in the next year and to my surprise it’s not that difficult to have a voice and say in the policies your country promotes. The power comes from the voters despite what it sometimes appears to be and it’s up to the youth of today to be the voice of today and tomorrow and the day after. If you are over 13 right now, this is the last federal election you are unable to vote in and that’s why this matters to you right now.

Getting your voice out there is as easy as writing a letter to the leader of the federal parties about what’s important to you or a letter to a newspaper or magazine.

Click here for instructions and tips on how to outline a persuasive letter or speech to get your voice heard.

Together we have the ability to speak up on the topic of poverty and to see the total eradication of it by 2030. Join the fight and keep politicians accountable not only to their 4-5 year term but to the future. To our future. We are the voice and the decision makers of today and tomorrow and the day after. It is not too early to start speaking up and out about what you want to see implemented in government. We may only be future voters but we are influencers of today.

*GNI: Gross national income is the total money made both internally and outside of the country.

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