Advice for High School Students


After graduating high school, I have a few regrets. I felt like I had no time to do certain activities in my school as I made the excuse of ‘studying’ and ‘doing homework’ all of the time. As a student, I made sure to do my school work on time to maintain a good average; however I still found myself with a lot of free time when I could have filled it up with something school-related. Since it is still the first month of classes, I suggest you find time to do at least one of these on the list:

Doing something in the Arts

I know not all of us are artistic or musical, but even watching a school play or listening to your school’s band is a great way to kill some time! Plus you get to witness the talented individuals who practiced hours on end to perform something to the school. Your school is always looking for some Technical Theatre students, so if you are interested in doing some background work with performances, then that is the perfect role for you! Seriously, it won’t kill you to attend at least one event.

Contributing to the Athletics

Same goes with this one. Being healthy is actually very important, and when I got back into running I realized how unfit I was. You don’t have to be the fastest or best at a sport; you just have to be dedicated! Schools open their Cross Country team and Track + Field team to anyone who has the time to practice once or twice per week. They’re not particularly long practices, but they’re very fun! And even if you don’t like to run or do anything sports-related, volunteering at the Track + Field meet is one of the best reasons to miss a day of class. Or just attending a game and watching how skilled athletes play a game. Plus, it’s really cool to see someone at your school beating everyone else in the city!

Getting involved with a club

I’m sure you were expecting this, but I’m serious here! If there is no club in your school that interests you, then start your own. Usually schools have at least one club catered for academics (Math contests, the Science Fair), one for volunteerism, one for environmentalism, one for fun (anime, board games, etc) and one for school (Leadership, yearbook). If you don’t like commitment, then most clubs should be lenient about attendance (as long as there are people who do show up) and you can drop in one day and see if you like the people, teacher and activity that they’re doing! Clubs introduce you to people who you had no idea shared the same interest as you, teachers who are willing to take time out of their busy schedules to supervise, and just information you wouldn’t otherwise have known!

Learning something new, or developing an untrained skill

This is really broad, but if you find a group of people who are doing something you were sort of interested in, then don’t be afraid to join them! Maybe your huge crush is in that group, or a fellow classmate is a part of that group; either way, you won’t lose anything if you take a leap of faith and get out of your comfort zone. Seriously! Knit, play a card game, find your inner Geek–do something you never thought you would do. Because, if you don’t try something at least once then you will never understand why other people are interested in it–and you shouldn’t judge something based on stigma. You should judge it because you have experienced it and you have a strong opinion about it!

Participating in school events

I know a lot of people aren’t as crazy as me. I love volunteering for things that sound like fun–it makes life way more enjoyable. But Spirit days are so easy to be a part of and should take no time or money at all. If it’s a day to wear a certain color, then flaunt your awesome t-shirt that you may or may not wear all the time! Halloween? Think of something witty if you don’t want to buy a costume (“Cereal killer” Get it?). Don’t be afraid to unleash your school spirit!   And even if you’re not interested in the slightest in any of these activities…it’s best to start young, when school isn’t quite as difficult and classes end early (aka Jr. High). So please, please don’t end up regretting what you didn’t do at school, and try to make the best out of your education!