

Summer school

This post is specially for all of you who have been attending summer school and have sacrificed their holidays so far! All the rushed up assignments, daily tests and quizzes, mark worries….all will be over! And you will will be a free birds to fly in the warm breeze of the summer. Right from the first day of summer school, I have been craving for some holidays- real carefree holidays! (*weekends loaded with assignments don’t count!) And I had a list of things I wanted to do during holidays.

Here is the list of all the things you might want to do!                                                          summer1

  • Read a novel, without any time bound schedule!
  • Stay in the bed forever! ( bed is my favorite place !!)
  • Go on pleasant walks.
  • Cuddle up with friends  and watch a movie! (probably a scary movie!)
  • Attend social events.
  • Visit places around.
  • Capture random things with your camera!
  • Catch up with some old friends
  • Take a walk through the memory lane while sneaking through some old snaps. ( that is my favorite one. I can spend hours doing this!!)
  • And much more!


Alas for those of us who are preparing to write diploma exams, its not going to be all so easy. But do spend some time doing things you love, things that make you feel happy and pleasant. Because until you don’t feel good, you won’t be able to study well.  And remember these days will pass soon and we will be free birds, just like everyone!

Good Luck!




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