Acca Awkward


Awkward moments. Aren’t they splendid.

1. That awkward moment when you don’t get the title of this post because you haven’t seen pitch perfect.

2. That awkward moment when you make a derp face to your friend to see how long it takes for them to notice, and they never do, but everyone else in the room does.

3. That awkward moment when you have to explain the joke, then re-explain the explanation because they still don’t get it.

4. That awkward moment when you are singing your heart out to the radio, and you sing the lyrics at the wrong time.

5.  That awkward moment when everyone else stops laughing but you still think it’s funny.

6. That awkward moment when you send a text to the wrong person

7.  That awkward moment when you run out of things to say so you just stand there.

8. That awkward moment when you are asked a question but you weren’t paying attention.

9. That awkward moment when you are forgotten about while playing hide and seek.

10. That awkward moment when you have to give out that email address you made when you were eleven.






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