A Walk Through New York


New York City is, in my opinion, the best city in the world. It does have a fair share of problems, but I love how iconic the whole entire city is. The overwhelming feeling of just being there feels quiet humbling. That’s why I was so excited when I found an Instagram account (@overheardnewyork) that is dedicated to posting snippets of conversations that happened in New York.

Of the thousands they already have posted, I have chosen a couple that I feel really embrace the beautiful, chaos that is New York.

1. Gotta Love New Yorkers

Guy from Greenpeace: “You look like a someone who cares.”

Guy: “I promise, I don’t.”

2. The Sad Truth About Housing in New York

“I wish there was a nice way to explain to my friends back home that even though my apartment is the size of their bedroom, I’m more successful than they are.”

3. Gotta Love New Yorkers (2)

*Knocks on Starbucks bathroom door

Person in bathroom: “Who is it?”

4. Awkward Ubers

*Silent uber pool

*minute 10*

“I heard Yanny.”

5. Mahjong

“Is it like a sexual thing?”

“Mahjong? No.”

6. Interesting Yoga Classes

Yoga Teacher: “Namaste everyone and welcome to class. Today we will be flowing to Gucci Mane.”

7. Gotta Love New Yorkers (3)

*On the train

Family in beach gear: “Are you going to the beach too?!?”

Woman standing alone: “No, I’m going to therapy.”
