I love music composed in Austria because it is usually known as warm, heartfelt and extremely moving. My favourite Austrian composer Beethoven was celebrated for his music that sensationally captured the spirit of Vienna. The Night in Vienna concert was performed by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) and incredible solo violinist Jonathan Crow, which created a truly unforgettable and magical night!
The whole concert had an amazing an old French feeling of that of a black and white film. The Viennese music that completely filled the concert hall with tones of sentiment evoked images of a boat ride going steadily down a canal, the playfulness of mimes, and of cobblestone alleyways- from the music performed, the audience immediately developed a warm sense of what Vienna had been and still is.

The music played in the Jack Singer Concert Hall this night was definitely created for lovers. I personally love music where you can feel that the composers wrote their pieces with someone in mind. The romantic atmosphere created by the fantastic CPO was absolutely charming and relaxing, and the addition of Jonathan Crow made me believe that love was a very beautiful feeling. A true serenade of predominately soft finishes but with lively spirit asserted by drums and cymbals, the CPO had almost succeed in wanting to stand and waltz. However, the music was not entirely charming and affectionate in a solitary regal sense; no, Viennese music was to be enjoyed on the streets of Vienna and around the world, played to lovers in restaurants at candlelight.
It must be of no surprise, being a faithful romanticist, that the highlight of Night in Vienna were the performances of Beethoven’s Romance No.2 in F Major for Violin and Orchestra and his Symphony No.2 in D Major. Highly beautiful pieces, they were relaxing and charming, but not in the sense of a putting one to sleep. Beethoven’s Romance No.2 in F Major for Violin and Orchestra was anything but a lullaby. This impassioned score with slow and very heartfelt movement completely overtook me – I didn’t tap my foot as I usually did or softly move my head. Instead, the music placed me in a zone of comfort and happiness.

I particularly enjoyed Beethoven’s Symphony No.2 in D Major , especially the Scherzo: Allergo and Allegro Molto movement of the piece, soulful emotions of his the realizations of his growing deafness released. Soulful and carefree, again, the pretentious feelings of the court are thrust aside in favour of high energy and serenity, which created such a pleasant sensation of peace and joy. Emotionally devastated, Beethoven turned to the piano to express what he could put into words, though no traces of dark emotions are present in this piece.
Tremendous thanks goes to the CPO for providing seats to such a fantastic concert! This concert has definitely been one of my favourites of the season, and I have officially added Beethoven’s Romance No.2 in F Major for Violin and Orchestra to my list of favourite songs. What a delight to be treated to such wonderful Viennese music, evoking feelings of love and sentiment, perfect for a weekend that had also included Mother’s Day! I recommend to every lover of music or if you are just passing by to witness an incredible performance by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra!