A Reason to Sing the Blues


Feel like singing the blues? Head to Altitude Art Gallery in Okotoks, where Calgary artist Earl Klatzel’s paintings depict famous blues musicians from Jimi Hendrix to Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Hellhounds On My Trail by Earl Klatzel
Hellhounds On My Trail by Earl Klatzel

Although Klatzel isn’t of African descent, he connects with African-American history and culture through blues music. His paintings provide insight into the changes that took place in the lives of African-Americans after slavery ended.

“Man, the power in that music, the feeling,” he said. “These people were slaves, these people were tortured. They had a tough life. There’s just so much feeling to it, and that’s what I try to relate in my paintings.”

His latest painting was inspired by the late Robert Johnson, based on his song “Hellhounds On My Trail” from 1937. His interpretation eludes to the ultimate reoccurring nightmare for early bluesmen.

Klatzel says, “The never-ending road of a drifting bluesman leaves him without wife, family or friends. I wanted to reflect the horrors, hardships and sorrows that created some of the music itself.”

Altitude Art Gallery is located at 11A Elizabeth Street in Okotoks, 403-995-9983.