A News Report on News


Have you ever wondered about how systematic news reports have always been?  You maybe bored out of your mind watching news reports on TV, or you may find it interesting — if so, I applaud you.  The one thing we can be certain of is that news reports are important and sort of part of our everyday lives.  It is one of the means, if not the only means, that connects our little world to the big world out there — knowing the world without being there.  Surely, you see news reports on everyday issues, but have you ever seen a news report on the news itself?  Confused yet?  Just watch the video to find out:

[youtube aHun58mz3vI]

Now, you just watched the video of the day.  The next time you watch news report, you’ll know exactly what the news person is doing.  And, you might be surprised how much the news reports we seen every resemble what is described in the video.